Pittsburgh Steelers

SOO, we didn’t get to the Super Bowl this year…

but you know what? We had a great season, even with some scary parts toward the end. Seeing the whole city of Pittsburgh come together for Ryan Shazier during this roller coaster of an injury brought tears to my eyes. This whole city bleeds black and gold and we really do have the best fans, right here in Pittsburgh. I had the greatest seven months working with this team. Knowing that not everyone gets a chance to work for a Pittsburgh sports team, I was truly grateful and blessed to be chosen to work for such a great organization. Everyone that I worked with, from Mr. Rooney to Jaime and Stacie to the team, made me feel more than welcomed from the beginning. The feeling of family there is outstanding. I learned so much during my experience with the team that I will carry with me, both personally and professionally. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to work for a sports team, but I knew I was passionate about sports. However, after my time with the Steelers, if working for every team is like the experience I had, I’ll be sure to love whatever opportunities come my way in the future.  I can’t thank the Pittsburgh Steelers enough for the opportunity that was given to me.


Pittsburgh Steelers

Watching Football is Different For Me Now?

Now that I’ve been with the team for about 7 months, I’ve realized that when I’m watching the games at home or at work, I find myself yelling at the TV, calling the guys and coaches by their first names. I make comments to coworkers like “he looks really intimidating on the field, but he’s one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met.” I get more disappointed than I used to when someone does something wrong and I get happier when I see something great happen. I laugh harder when I see touchdown dances or sideline conversations or little things that some of them do. I can joke with people who look like “proud dads” during after-game interviews. You come up with nicknames for your coworkers. Numerous people pass and say “Hey Alexa, what’s the Steelers record?” (since Amazon decided to name something after ME!)  After being around the staff, players and coaches at the Sports Complex for so long (and it’s really seemed like just a few weeks), you pick up on everyone’s personalities, sense of humor, etc. I’ve realized who I can joke with and make fun of for little things. I’ve learned everyone’s names (finally after 7 months I have it down!) and what their jobs are. People know my personality, my jokes and sarcasm, etc. I feel like people always see football players just as football players and nothing else. But they are human beings and they really are just like you and me. I’ve known that for a very long time, but some people still have yet to realize that. Their profession is to play football. But they still have family and friends, they still like to go out or stay in and play COD all day. Honestly, everyone in the building that I am in are some of the greatest people I have ever worked with. Whether it be staff of 25+ years or rookies on the team. I used to always hear that “football is family” but never really knew what that meant…until I started working with the best team in football.

Pittsburgh Steelers

Rock Steelers Style 2017

On October 20, 2017, Rock Steelers Style 2017 was in full swing at Stage AE! The best way for me to describe it is New York Fashion Week meets Black and Gold. Think of all of your favorite Steelers players hitting the runway (and in some scenes with their families) for a fashion show while throwing Terrible Towels and other goodies out to audience members. Plus other performers (such as the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater), Arthur Moats and Marcus Tucker playing a piano duet and special judges Santonio Holmes and Jerome Bettis! I was in charge of getting guests in attendance signed up for the silent auction that was held before and during the fashion show that benefited the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program and Cancer Caring Center. Since everything was online and we were given iPads, the process was simple and fast for each guest. With minimal information needed, most guests seemed happy that it did not take very long to sign up and they were able to proceed into the cocktail area with plenty of time before the show. Because my main job was the silent auction, I was actually able to sneak in and watch some of the show! And let me tell you, those guys know how to put on a show whether it be on the field or the runway! Fans love them in both settings! Right before the show ended, winners of the silent auction items were sent a message via text to confirm their prize. My director, her assistant and myself then spent a half hour after the show giving the prizes to the respected winners. Everything from a Super Bowl trip to a restaurant gift card basket were won. Although some parts of the night were a little stressful, all in all it was a great, fun night for two great causes!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Pittsburgh Steelers

Stressing for Fashion!

Rock Steelers Style 2017 is right around the corner and I can tell! With the show in T – 10 days, last minute details and plans are all coming together. I am currently in charge of soliciting gift certificates for our “Restaurant Basket” in our silent auction that happens during the show. I’ve never had this much difficulty trying to obtain items. One of the main problems that I have run into is the lack of communication between managers/ employees at various restaurants. After an initial email/ call, my follow ups have usually been something like  “that manager probably forgot” or “I don’t know what you were told but…” or “let me see what the owners say before I give anything out.” When I worked at the radio station, I would try to solicit items for our prize wheel and I never had problems like this. Another funny quirk that I have realized is that when I ask to speak to a manager, an employee’s attitude becomes kind of negative. But when they ask who’s calling and I say “My name is Alexa and I’m calling from the Pittsburgh Steelers,” ALL OF A SUDDEN their whole demeanor changes. Funny, right? Also, seeing my director trying to keep all of the players’ girlfriends/fiancees/wives/kids in order is mind boggling in itself. The women are supposed to contact one of the wives who is then connected to my director. But of course that’s not how it always goes. With the women calling and emailing everyone but who they’re supposed to sometimes, it can definitely be stressful;  especially when we’re coming down the home stretch of the show! I’m just rambling at this point, but the main point, and I know I’ve said this before, is that COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO EVERYTHING!

Pittsburgh Steelers

Make a Wish!

During the regular season, on every Friday before a home game, the Pittsburgh Steelers host a Make A Wish family here at our complex in the South Side. With our first home game (and home WIN) of the season yesterday, we hosted our first family of the season this past Friday. 17 year old Jerardo is battling leukemia and his wish was to meet the Pittsburgh Steelers. When arriving to the complex, we greeted Jerardo and his family. We found out his favorite players were Ben Roethlisberger and Bud Dupree. To start things off, Jerardo got to watch the practice (which is closed to the public). When practice ended, he got to go on the field to meet all of the guys. Ben (who wanted to act like he was leaving) ran off of the field without saying anything to Jerardo (who became visibly upset). Jerardo got to take pictures, get autographs and have conversations with the whole team and coaching staff. He filled up his football, terrible towel and jersey with signatures galore! Then we took Jerardo and his family inside to stand outside of the locker room, where Ben was. Ben then walked right past all of us but then laughed with a big smile and spent a lot of time with Jerardo and his family, as well as gave them their tickets to Sunday’s game. Last to be met was Antonio Brown, who Jerardo is also a big fan of. Last but not least, Jerardo got to take pictures with all of the Super Bowl trophies, which is always a favorite part of the day. I had a great experience with my first Make A Wish through the Steelers, and I am looking forward to the rest!

Pittsburgh Steelers

So, is social media trolling still a thing…?

….I’m asking for a friend! Okay, no not really. I’m definitely asking for myself, but I swear it’s for a good reason! So, when you walk into the office one day and your director says “so I need you to troll or stalk or whatever all of the players on social media” you don’t really know what to expect. But it’s actually kind of fun! So, with our Rock Steelers Style 2017 coming up next month, there’s a lot to prepare for. In the formal part of the fashion show, the players (if wanting to) are allowed to have their significant other participate with them. But with the guys busy with practice, meetings, etc., we try to basically talk to as little of them as we can about things like this (also me going up and asking “hey, so, do you have a girlfriend or fiancee or wife that you’re planning on bringing to the fashion show” to around 60 guys probably wouldn’t look great on my part). So, instead, we decided to see what we can find with the great thing that is social media. And let me tell you, between Twitter and Instagram, you can find out a lot! Some of the guys are open with their relationships (a plus for me!) but some guys (the ones that we end up having to ask) like to keep things private (I don’t blame them). But do you know how long it takes to find out about relationships for around 60 guys?? In case you were wondering, I’m on hour 3 and about halfway down my Excel spreadsheet….. and I thought my social media skills were pretty great!

Pittsburgh Steelers

Regular Season Hustle

With the regular season in full swing and our first regular season game this Sunday, things have gotten busy around the office! Between the guys running between practices, interviews and meetings, to every department getting prepared for game day, there’s always something happening! One of the first things we have to do as a department, which we did today, is go through the players’ appearance jerseys that we have to see who we still have, which jerseys just simply need a name plate change, or which numbers we have to order for the new guys. The appearance jerseys are worn by the guys at the Steelers Rock Style Fashion Show as well as any other event appearances. Although this may sound like an easy task (which don’t get me wrong, it’s not super hard), my director says it never really gets easier to look at jerseys of the guys who have been let go or traded that were great to our city. Even with me being here a few months, I get that. Some of these guys care more about their communities and making them better than having their name on a jersey. That speaks volumes to me about who they are as people. With events coming up almost every week (and sometimes more than one on a given day), we’re all hustling and bustling to get the last minute tasks prepared for the season!The Steelers have a great group of guys this year and here’s hoping we get ring #7!

Pittsburgh Steelers


I am so very excited to be typing this post right now! My internship with the Steelers had been set to end on Friday, the week before my last year of college begins. HOWEVER, I have been offered and I have accepted the opportunity to extend my internship through the regular football season! I have already learned so much from the organization and I cannot wait to see what the next few months brings! 🙂

Pittsburgh Steelers

Typical Office Happenings?

When I used to think of an “office job,” I thought of cubicles, the sound of typing and water cooler conversations. But after watching every season of “The Office” and being with the Steelers for almost 4 months, my opinion has definitely changed (in a great way, of course)!  I wouldn’t call interning or working for a team in the NFL a “typical 9-5 job.” I don’t just say that because of the back and forth between office hours and working games or other events.  I say that because of what goes on in the building when the guys are in town. Because they practice, work out and have meetings all at the same facility, we see a lot of them during the season; but that’s what keeps it fun here. The cafeteria is filled with juices and waters as beverages, but there’s always the one guy who screams “where’s the Pepsi???” every lunch break. One of the players decided to sing “I’m about to dive in” every time he opened a door the other day. You can hear the guys working out belt out an Ariana Grande song at any given time. One of the players is now using my “any better I’d have to charge entertainment” line when asked how he’s doing. I got to watch the solar eclipse last week with most of the team. The guys will run up and try to scare random staff just for laughs. So like I said, not completely typical office things, but I love every part of it!

Pittsburgh Steelers

Training Camp is Over!

The Steelers’ Training Camp 2017 at St. Vincent College has officially ended! The end of summer, but the start of the regular season. Working training camp was a lot different than going as a fan. For our department (Community Relations), we deal with special groups during the open practice times. Special groups come from all over to watch practice. The groups that we host are given sideline passes for the open practice. Some groups are also able to stay after practice to meet a lot of players and get some autographs and pictures! I think I’ve said this before, but one of my favorite parts of working with the guys is watching them interact with the kids. All of the kids there look up to them in one way or another and each time they get an opportunity to meet a player, especially if it’s his/her favorite, you always see such happiness. Besides sweating from the extreme heat on the field, training camp is fun to watch (especially people watching the fans before and after practice during autograph opportunities) and I get my steps in for each day (those hills at St. Vincent are no joke)! Now that we’re back at the offices, we’re preparing and ready for the regular season! Here we go!