WSHH 99.7

Behind the front desk…

This past week, I was asked to fill in behind the front desk while the station was hiring a new assistant for the job. It was a whole different experience than having your own office with your own extension. I felt like I worked at Grand Central Station! The phone never stops ringing, between questions about a song, a giveaway, wanting to be connected to someone else…the list goes on. While doing this, though, I did learn a few things:

  1. If you don’t know the answer to something, connect people to someone who will (unless that person is not in and then you get an angry phone call after asking why his/her question still hasn’t been answered).
  2. People get really anxious and angry when trying to win a giveaway (especially if they called your number and not the number given on-air so they have to ask you for that number and call again, but by that time the prize was probably already taken).
  3. It’s difficult to keep up with a radio station’s social media pages all at one time.
  4. No matter how nice you are to people, some just will not return that same attitude (I’ve known this, but it becomes more apparent working in this industry).

So, I’ve realized I like my  desk in my office rather that the front desk that gets every call into the station. It’s a lot easier, too 🙂

WSHH 99.7

Interning at a radio station!

Did you ever wonder how people got so lucky to be on the radio everyday and host his/her own show? I used to wonder that all the time when I was little – I mean, I was 10! I could be on the radio! Playing late 90s – early 2000’s Britney and *NSYNC and Christina?! Everyone would love it! Did you also know that there’s a lot more to radio than just plugging in your iPod and playing songs? When I shadowed a radio station for my senior project in high school, I learned that quickly. There’s so many intricate details to being an on-air personality! And on-air personalities aren’t the only parts to a radio station! I’ve begun my internship with WISH 99.7 for my Spring 2017 semester in their promotions department and I love it! I get to talk to many local businesses about working with the station for prize wheel donations, events throughout the city, and sponsorships. I’ve also been able to go to a few remote events and spend time playing games with listeners, promoting the station, and talking to people from all over! We have a lot of events coming up, so I am excited to see how much I can learn and grow from this internship!