Pittsburgh Steelers

SOO, we didn’t get to the Super Bowl this year…

but you know what? We had a great season, even with some scary parts toward the end. Seeing the whole city of Pittsburgh come together for Ryan Shazier during this roller coaster of an injury brought tears to my eyes. This whole city bleeds black and gold and we really do have the best fans, right here in Pittsburgh. I had the greatest seven months working with this team. Knowing that not everyone gets a chance to work for a Pittsburgh sports team, I was truly grateful and blessed to be chosen to work for such a great organization. Everyone that I worked with, from Mr. Rooney to Jaime and Stacie to the team, made me feel more than welcomed from the beginning. The feeling of family there is outstanding. I learned so much during my experience with the team that I will carry with me, both personally and professionally. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to work for a sports team, but I knew I was passionate about sports. However, after my time with the Steelers, if working for every team is like the experience I had, I’ll be sure to love whatever opportunities come my way in the future.  I can’t thank the Pittsburgh Steelers enough for the opportunity that was given to me.


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